How to penetrate the ticketing market

Discover pure-player Phenomen's (Meetch / Leeloo) strategy to take control of the ticketing market

Meetch customer case

The partner

Phenomen (Meetch / Leeloo) is a fast growing broker, specialised in event and media insurance. Fashion shows, TV sets, Roland Garros, Tour de France... whatever the occasion, Phenomen builds tailor-made insurance products covering the events and projects, production equipment or even the cancellation of events.

In 2019, Phenomen sets its eyes on the ticketing market, and started working with Seyna...

Our challenges

Create an offer that stands out to penetrate the market, fast.

Sharing the same obsession for customer experience, Phenomen and Seyna decide to focus on 3 key pillars:

  • Modularity - to give customers freedom and choice
  • Compensation speed - to provide customers with claims a solution, quick
  • Transparency - to avoid any customer disappointment

Finally, in accordance with its philosophy, Seyna also wants to develop an offer that allows Phenomen (Meetch) to develop its business in full autonomy. (D2C, B2B2C) .

With Seyna, we were able to launch around twenty programs in 2 years and conquer the French ticketing market.

Gérald Beyrand


Our solution

A few weeks later, Ticketmate is born. A ticketing offer branded by Phenomen (Meetch) and developed in collaboration with Seyna, offering:

  • Compensation in unrivalled speed - thanks to an integration in Seyna's systems directly via API
  • A 2-fold offer - including the possibility for the customer to be compensated automatically without any proof of purchase, for baskets of up to 8 orders (vs 4-6 on the market)

Another differentiating point: the distribution.

Seyna's mission is to build solutions on which brokers can rely to grow their business. The offer was hence designed to let Phenomen freely adapt it to its customers, by allowing inclusion or optional distribution schemes.

Since the launch, Phenomen captured major markets with Ticketac, See Tickets, France Billets and many others to cover the ticketing offers of France’s major retailers.

Results achieved

The classic win-win partnership! Distribution expertise coupled with Seyna's reactivity and product flexibility. And on it goes... With now considerable data history, Seyna and Phenomen continue to develop the offer according to the market needs.