“Inspire" Nights by Seyna: the Key Takeaways
On September 28th, Seyna organized the 2nd edition of its "Inspire" nights. Beyond sharing a laidback moment with our community, our objective is to bring you actionable ideas which you can put into practice the next morning. For this edition, we turned to China and the police forces in search of inspiration.
“Inspire" Nights by Seyna : The Key Takeaways
On September 28th, Seyna organized the 2nd edition of its "Inspire" nights. Beyond sharing a laidback moment with our community, our objective is to bring you actionable ideas which you can put into practice the next morning.
For this edition, we turned to China and the police forces in search of inspiration.
"Launching an Assurtech in China" by Sebastien Gaudin, founder of The Care Voice.
Actionable takeaways:
The future of insurance is first about services, then the insurance product: Whether in China, in some Latin American countries or even in South Africa, the main acquisition lever in health insurance is the panel of services which you can put in the users’ hands. Indeed, we’re observing a trend towards the commoditization of the insurance product. To put it clearly, a health insurance offer will not be selected for its price or its guarantees. It will rather depend on whether you will give your users access to remote medecine services or even allow them to book their doctors’ appointment straight from the app. This is the "embedded health" concept as defined in The Care Voice report (June 2022), which makes customer experience the key to success.
Iterate fast and think big: In China, they plan 12-weeks ahead, every 6 weeks. The rule: plan little, iterate fast. Once a project is launched, it is carried out quickly to test it in the market. "In Europe, once a project is launched, we organize workshops every 3 to 4 weeks. In China, it's twice a week," shares Sébastien. This approach combined with the huge local market of 1.4 billion inhabitants has forged many success stories. Among them, PingAn Good Doctor (digital health services ecosystem) which employs more than 1.16m sales representatives, or be it more than the entire city of Marseille. To support their development, PingAn raised 500m USD... as part of their series A.
Targeting the toughest market will boost your expansion: The Accenture report on Chinese consumption habits indicates that 80% of local consumers consider the market study prior to any buy as an integral part of the purchase process. This "research now, buy later" concept makes selling to Chinese consumers particularly challenging. Starting your operations in a demanding market allows for the development of higher quality services, and makes the expansion to less mature neighboring markets easier.
And more... To discover them, watch the conference here:
"Negotiating Effectively" by Didier Gueguen, negotiator for RAID and GIPN (French Special Police forces)
Actionable takeaways:
"The Leader Never Negotiates": Whether in a business negotiation or in a hostage situation, the leader should never be asked to negotiate. The fact that the negotiator does not have all the decision-making powers allows him or her to limit the other party in their demands. "You demand A but I can't get it for you. I can, however, offer you B."
Gather all information before engaging: The first step in any intervention is to gather the team round to consolidate all information related to the topic at hand. Have you already dealt with the other part? What are their motivations? How did they behave? What do they demand? What is the history of previous cases, etc.? Gathering all this information is essential to prepare yourself and minimize the leverage left to your counterpart.
Work as a team: Law enforcement negotiations always involve two negotiators; one who talks and one who listens. If both actively listen, the second negotiator will often pick up on a detail or piece of information that the primary negotiator might have not identified.
Build relationships to generate trust: "You fight for your Faith. I fight for the State." This was the bond Didier had forged between himself and a religious extremist threatening to commit suicide by setting off the bomb knitted to his vest. Giving information that allows the other person to recognize himself in yourself paves the way to a relationship. Making them explicit makes them tangible and helps to approach discussions on an equal footing.
Seeking to help, sincerely: Showing that you are looking for solutions and that you will do what is necessary to implement them does not guarantee you will win. However, failing to do so will stir up distrust in the other person and systematically lead you to failure.
To discover them all, listen to Didier's stories, click here: