Seyna welcomes its community to a new "Inspire!" Night
On the 13th of July, Seyna welcomed its community for a 4th edition of the "Inspire!" Nights

Every year, we bring together our entire community for an evening with a single objective: share a breath of fresh air and inspiration.
A friendly setting, a relaxed atmosphere, concrete insights from hands-on experts.
For this 4th edition, we focused on emerging sales practices. We were lucky enough to be able to call on 2 top-flight experts to give you concrete advice you can put into practice the very next morning.
Neurology applied to insurance sales
Clarisse Pamies, CEO of Omind Technologies: Literary graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure, trained as a statistician, spent 8 years at the Boston Consulting Group, then with the government, before joining Johnson & Johnson in healthcare... Clarisse's life has been one long adventure, leading her to the head of Omind Technologies.
Her mission: duplicate the impact of professionals through neuroscience.
During the evening, she explained the cognitive biases that stand between brokers and sales, and how to overcome them!
TikTok to close insurance sales
Jennifer Labau, Director of Service Industries at TikTok: After 13 years developing brands and products at Nestlé, Jennifer joins Facebook as Sales Director for the French market. In 2021, she joins TikTok, where she heads up the Service Industries department.
Her mission: increase brand sales tenfold through content.
She explained to us how to make TikTok your first acquisition channel, concretely.
Thank you all again for a great time, and see you soon!