Product Updates

Product updates - April 2024

Learn about the developments that took place in April on our platform!

Product updates - April 2024

Manage your network of brokers

This is one of the big game-changers for 2024! With Seyna, you're empowered to configure and oversee a complete network of brokers. It's as easy as a few clicks to onboard a new broker and monitor every opportunity they bring in. With Seyna, you are in control of your network and exponentially increase your commercial potential.

Unpaid Bills Management: Become Beta Testers!

Join our beta program for debt management by filling out our dedicated form. This new feature, aimed at reducing outstanding payments, is coming soon to the platform. We invite you to be among the first to experience it exclusively through our beta testing program.

The most flexible subscription experience in the market

Over the past few months, Seyna has revolutionized the experience for brokers when it comes to insurance product underwriting. With our platform, you can now fully customize your sales process: choose which steps to automate for efficiency gains, or maintain manual control for a more personalized approach.

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